Working with Subtitles

Stork has first-class support for the SRT subtitle file format. Stork will not only extract and parse the text in a subtitle file, but also maintain the mapping from each individual word to its associated timestamp. This means Stork lets your users click on a search result and automatically get linked to the timestamp in the video where the search query was mentioned.

The behavior is demonstrated in the following index, in which clicking on a search result will link to the part of the video where Grant Sanderson says the word you've searched for.

In many cases, you won't have to do any further configuration beyond making sure the file extension of your subtitle is .srt. If Stork recognizes your files as SRT files, it will automatically parse and link the timestamps automatically.

Stork's default SRT linking configuration is based on YouTube's timestamp link format:

We can imagine the YouTube link above split up into four parts:

  • A common prefix used for every url.
  • WUvTyaaNkzM: The ID of the video
  • &t={}: A format string appended onto the URL, with a defined place for the timestamp to go.
  • 255: The timestamp of the video, in seconds.

The following configuration file was used to build the demo above:

base_directory = "3b1b"
url_prefix = ""
path = ""
url = "WUvTyaaNkzM"
title = "The Essence of Calculus, Chapter 1"
path = ""
url = "9vKqVkMQHKk"
title = "The paradox of the derivative"
path = ""
url = "S0_qX4VJhMQ"
title = "Derivative formulas through geometry"

How does this work, and how can we configure the behavior to support other types of timestamp link formats?

When those four elements listed above are combined, they generate an entire YouTube timestamp URL. Stork lets you configure each of those elements to determine how a timestamp URL is generated in the browser, and therefore how Stork links to specific timestamps from its search results.

To demonstrate, we can create a Stork configuration file that links to Vimeo timestamp links, instead of YouTube timestamp links. Because Vimeo's timestamp links use a different format, we have to configure that format within the Stork configuration file.

For reference, Vimeo timestamp links look like this:

Now, our four timestamp link components are set as such:

  • the URL prefix prepended to each search result.
  • 81400335: The ID of the video, determined by Vimeo.
  • #t={}: The format string. The placeholder {} will be replaced with the actual timestamp.
  • 1m2s: The timestamp is formatted with a number of minutes and a number of seconds, instead of just a total number of seconds.

The Stork configuration file supports an object, [input.srt_config], that lets you control how timestamp links are generated.

The following configuration file will set the timestamp links to be in "Vimeo format" instead of "YouTube format":

url_prefix = ""
timestamp_template_string = "#t={}"
timestamp_format = "MinutesAndSeconds"
path = ""
url = "81400335"
title = "Vimeo Profile"

The input.srt_config.timestamp_template_string defines the URL suffix to be appended when your user searches for something. Stork will build the URL as usual—combining the URL prefix with the URL from the file object, but will then add the timestamp_template_string to the end.

The {} placeholder in the timestamp_template_string will be replaced by the timestamp.

The timestamp_format value describes how the timestamp should be formatted within that template string. The two possible options are NumberOfSeconds, which renders a result like 62, and MinutesAndSeconds, which renders a result like 1m2s.

Multiple Excerpts

In the Stork web interface, a given file can have multiple excerpts, and therefore multiple matching timestamps it might link to. Today, Stork can only link to one URL per file; therefore, the first visible excerpt for each file will be used to determine the linked timestamp.

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© 2019–2025. Stork is maintained by James Little, who's really excited that you're checking it out.

This site is open source. Please file a bug or open a PR if you see something confusing or incorrect.

Logo art by Bruno Monts, with special thanks to the team. Please contact James Little before using the logo for anything.